IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic


Here are some of the questions asked and example answers:

1. Describe a memorable childhood experience.

You should say:

  • who was with you
  • where it took place
  • what you did

and explain why it is memorable.

Example Answer

You know, one of the coolest things I remember from when I was a kid was this camping trip with my family. It was totally impromptu – we just packed up and hit the road for a nearby national park. Me, my folks, my little sister, and our dog, all crammed into the car with tents and snacks galore.

Once we got there, it was like stepping into a whole other world. Tall trees, mountains in the distance, and that fresh, piney smell in the air. We found a spot to set up camp, and my parents wrestled with the tent while my sister and I ran wild, exploring every nook and cranny.

During the day, we went on these epic hikes, finding waterfalls and spotting wildlife left and right. I swear, we must’ve seen every deer in that park! And then there was this awesome stream we found where we spent hours skipping rocks and just goofing around.

When night fell, it was all about the campfire. We roasted marshmallows till they were golden brown and told spooky stories that had us jumping out of our skin. It was just us, surrounded by darkness and the crackle of the fire – it felt like our own little adventure.

That camping trip is something I’ll never forget. It was all about family, nature, and making memories that’ll last a lifetime. Every time I think back on it, I can’t help but grin from ear to ear, remembering the freedom and excitement of being a kid out in the great outdoors.

2. Tell a childhood story you heard when you were a child.

You should say:

  • who told you the story
  • what was the story
  • why you liked it

and explain why you remember this story.

Example Answer

You know, one of the coolest stories from my childhood came from my grandma. She was a pro at telling tales that would leave you wide-eyed and dreaming.

So, this story she’d tell us was all about this magical forest tucked away in the mountains near where she grew up. According to her, it was like stepping into a fairy tale with fairies, elves, and even animals that could talk!

She’d talk about how she and her siblings would sneak off to explore this enchanted forest, dodging chores and having the time of their lives. She made it sound so real, with the trees whispering secrets and the streams sparkling like something out of a fantasy novel.

I loved this story because it was like diving headfirst into an adventure. Every time my grandma spun this tale, I could picture myself right there with her, discovering hidden nooks and crannies and meeting all these magical creatures.

What really stuck with me was how this story showed the power of imagination. It was like my grandma was inviting us into this whole other world, and for a moment, we could forget about reality and just get lost in the magic of her words.

This story is something I’ll always remember because it’s not just about the forest or the creatures – it’s about the joy of storytelling and the special bond between a grandparent and grandchild. It’s a memory that’ll stick with me forever, reminding me of the endless wonders waiting to be explored in the world and in our imaginations.

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3. Describe one of your childhood memories.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • when it happened
  • how it affected you in your life

Explain why you still remember it.

Example Answer

4. Describe a friend from your childhood.

You should say:

  • how you met him/her
  • how long you are friends & what you did together
  • What made you like him/ her

and explain your friendship.

Example Answer

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