IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic

Family IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Family

Here are some of the questions asked and example answers:

1. How many people are there in your immediate family?

2. Do you all live in the same house?

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3. Do you spend much time with your family?

4. Do you live with your family?

5. Who are your closest to in your family?

6. Who do you get on best with in your family?

7. Do you have a large extended family?

8. Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?

9. What do you do together with your family?

10. Why is family important to you?

11. Is family important in your country?

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2 Responses

  1. . How many people are there in your immediate family?
    There are 3 of us in my family. I am the mother of a little son who is 8 years old and then there is my husband.

    1. Hello Anahita,

      Thanks for your comment and your great answer. I would just try to extend it a bit more and add some more ‘amazing’ language to it:
      Right now there are only 3 of us in our small, little family, but I’d love to have maybe 1 more son or daughter in the future. So, I’m the trying to be patient mother of my amazing, but sometimes challenging little son, who is 8 by the way. And then there is my wonderful, hard-working husband, who I love dearly.

      See how I extend it a bit and how I added some more adjectives and adverbs. If you have difficulty extending, at least try to add more adjectives and adverbs to what you are trying to say.

      I hope this helps.

      IELTSassistance teacher

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