IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic


IELTS Speaking Part 3 Friends

Here are some of the questions asked:

1. Generally, are friends or family more important to people your age?​

2. How do people in your country usually make friends?

3. Who do people tend to speak to about their personal problems?

4. What do you think of making friends on the internet?

5. What do you think the most important quality in a friend is?

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6. Do you think that friendship is important for people to be happy?

7. Do you think that it is becoming more difficult to make friends?

8. Do you think it is possible for men and women to be just good friends?

9. Do you think it is better to have a few good friends or many different friendships?

10. Do you think it is better to have a few good friends or many different friendships?

11. Do you think teachers should try to be a friend to their students, or should they keep a distance?

12. Can you give me some examples of what a friend could do that would make you break off the friendship?

13. Would you say anyone in your family is also your friend?

14. Which friends you have now do you think will continue to be your friend when you are much older? (Why do you think so?)

15. Which friends you have now do you think will continue to be your friend when you are much older? (Why do you think so?)

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