IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic

Computers IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Computers

Here are some of the questions asked and example answers:

1. Describe a hotel you have stayed in.

2. Do you often use a computer?

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3. How do you usually get online?

4. Do you prefer desktops or laptops?

5. What do you use your computer for?

6. Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?

7. How important is your computer to you?

8. What kind of computer skills do you have?

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6 Responses

    1. Hello Mashud,

      Thanks for your request. I’m busy trying to answer all the questions, but this does take a lot of time. So, please be patient.

      If you need any specific help, just send me a message.

      Good luck with your IELTS exam,

      IELTSassistance teacher

  1. Yes, I use my computer on a daily basis. If it weren’t for my computer, I wouldn’t be able to work with people all around the world. I can’t see myself without a computer; not to mention that I also use it at home to watch films and read the news as well.

    1. Hello Renata,

      Thanks for the comment and you use some really good grammar here and it’s a great answer. Just 1 tip, try to add some more adjectives or adverbs to spice up your description and your lexis. It’s absolutely essential, work successfully, extremely important, absolutely vital,… to expand your vocab it’s good to use the thesaurus to find some synonyms ( and the collocation dictionary ( to have some great words to go along with it all.

      I hope this helps and good luck with your IELTS exam.
      If you need anything else just let me know.

      IELTSassistance teacher

  2. Answer 4: Actually, these two digital devices all have their own strengths. But, as an energetic girl with a moving habit, I will gravitate towards a laptop. I mean, it really comes in handy if you can bring it out to a coffee shop, a library to complete online tasks rather than just sitting where the desktops plugged in.

    1. Hello Robin,

      Thanks for your amazing answer with some amazing language: digital devices, own strengths, energetic girl, moving habit, gravitate towards, really comes in handy, bring it out,… This is perfect answer to this question. It feels a bit scripted, but if you can say it naturally, it will be perfect. Just be careful with writing desktop’s plugged in.

      Good luck with the exam, but I’m sure you will do great

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